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ESMO 22 Prostate Cancer Comprehensive Coverage

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Publicados07 Dez 2022
Learn the implications of following key clinical trials in Prostate Cancer

PROpel Study :Primary analysis of showed significant improvement rPFS with Abiraterone + Olaparib vs abiraterone + placebo irrespective of biomarker subgroups in 1L therapy mCRPC patients

RADICALS-HD Study: After post-operative RT after RP, 24 months ADT improved both time to salvage ADT and Metastasis Free Survival compared to 6 months ADT

KEYLINK Study: No rPFS or OS benefit reported for Pembrolizumab + Olaparib for previously treated, molecularly unselected mCRPC patients compared to novel hormonal agents

CABASTY Study: Cabazitaxel 16 mg/m2 q2w plus G-CSF significantly reduced grade 3 neutropenia in pre-treated elderly mCRPC patients compared to Cabazitaxel 25 mg/m2 q3w plus G-CSF

CYPIDES Phase-2 Study: Preliminary results for ODM-208 first in class, oral, non-steroidal, and selective inhibitor of CYP11A1 in heavily pre-treated mCRPC patients with AR LBD mutation.
parp inhibitors post operative adt mcrpc

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